Bryant PTSA Board Meeting Minutes – April 2014 *DRAFT*

April 8, 2014

In Attendance:
Maggie Sweeney, Kathy Gerke, Robin Metcalf, Amy Shanafelt, Meta Godsell, Anne Aliverti, Patricia Parker, Liza Caputo, Joan Crooks, Rachel Friesen, Dan Sanger, Ann-Marie Spata, Becky Mackle, Susan Roden, Leeann Huntington, Jon Tuttle, Laura Larkin, Katie Becker

7:12pm Welcome and Introduction, Maggie Sweeney

Approve February Board Meeting Minutes, Meta Godsell

Officer/Standing Committee Reports

  1. Treasurer’s Report, Robin Metcalf/Amy Shanafelt

Special Committee Reports

  1. Bryant Blast Leeann Huntington

Special Orders

Unfinished Business

  1. School Budget Update, Dan Sanger/Maggie Sweeney
    Dan anticipates there will be two split classes for next year: First and Second with Jessica Chon and Third and Fourth with Connie Bernard.
  2. Technology Committee/Technology Manager, Anne Aliverti
    Maggie Sweeney asked that a proposal be presented to the Board to fund this position.
  3. Monetary Class Contributions, Patricia Parker/Maggie Sweeney
    Patricia presented a proposal that would allow room parents to raise money for class parties and special events. Dan Sanger suggested asking staff for their opinions. Tabled until feedback received from staff.
  4. State of Bryant, Maggie Sweeney
    Dan Sanger and Rachel Friesen will present the second half of the State of Bryant at the May meeting.

New Business

  1. Bryant Staff Changes, Rachel Friesen
    Rachel Friesen will start her new position as Principal at Sacajawea Elementary School in July 2014
  2. Library Assistant, Anne Aliverti
    Anne presented current library trends and Library Assistant description

Meeting Adjourned at 8:57pm