November 12, 2019
Welcome / Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes, Whitney Griesbach, Ann Sonnen
The minutes from November’s general meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Update, Nick Barrett
The annual campaign was a success!
- 92% participation, with donations of ~$184k (v. $180k in 2018)
- As of 11/12 we have collected $137k.
Additional treasurer updates include:
- We sent $6k to a local elementary school to help with their school supplies.
- Our insurance policy was approved.
- We are awaiting state update on filing of our 990 with IRS.
NOTE: We’re trying out not printing financials for the meeting, but we will put it on the web as soon as possible.
Principal’s Update, Charmaine Marshall
Fall parent-teacher conferences begin next week. Our first Multicultural Event is coming in December:
- It was originally slated for Dec 12th, but because of a competing Eckstein music performance we moved it to Friday Dec 13th.
- For the event we have two tentative professional performers, but are looking for more performers (if parents are interested let Charmaine know!). We are also planning on having an international potluck, with a sign up coming soon.
- We are still organizing the event. We do not have many volunteers yet, but we do have a solid framework in place. Our meeting Monday Nov 18th is to finalize the details.
- This would likely be an annual event.
- We ordered additional flags (10 or 12 more) to represent our study body, and they have arrived. However, we need to do a work order to get them hung.
- REQUEST: We would like $1000 to cover performances for the event: Roger Fernandez ($200) and Taiko drummers ($580+ travel for 20 minutes of drumming).
Approved Update on MTSS framework:
- During the week of Dec 2-6, three interventionist specialists will be doing reading testing for level 1 & 2 students.
- During the week of Dec 9-13, K-5 teachers will be doing a data review. This will inform our strategic planning for how to best support students who need more intervention and support (as well as level 4 students).
There have been continued conversations around reintegrating HCC at neighborhood schools. They are currently proposing three sites for pilot program, and Bryant is one of those sites because so many of our students are advanced learning eligible. They are coming on 13th of December.
Our literacy leads have been looking at our literacy program and reviewing materials for 4th and 5th grades for small group instruction.
- Currently those grades do not have small group instruction.
- We would like to continue small group instruction for older grades.
Committee Reports
- Fundraising (Sara/Allison)*
- Big thank you to everyone for the Annual Campaign success!
- Membership (Tara/Rebecca)
- No update
- Volunteers (Renee/Kathleen)
- Going to send emails to committee chairs to have them send to us to post in weekly and on FB page.
- Legislative (Sam/Adele)*
- We had an election!
- King county almost hit 50%, which is much bigger than usual for off-year election.
- New school board directors.
- We had an election!
- Legislative assembly Oct 26-27th.
- Presentation about the history of PTSA, updating of resolutions.
- “Legislative chair” is now called “advocacy chair.” (We can make the update formally at the next general meeting. It will need to be approved as part of the Standing Rules.)
- Teacher Representative (Jessica/Chara)
- Teachers are busy preparing for conferences, identifying what data points to share. Most helpful when parents come with questions and willingness to share what’s going on at home.
- Working with aids
- New report cards that are standards based. More relevant to what we’re teaching.
- Community Engagement (Clare/Jen)
- No update
- Community Service (Seema Bhende)*
- More efforts to do community service. First event Nov 2 for Green Day Seattle. Allotted and filled 30 spots. Magnuson Park planting (295 plants) and clean-up.
- Next event will be Martin Luther King Day, Jan 20th. Looking to do a service event for 150 people. We are starting to crowd source ideas for what we can do. Bryant has been offered as a venue.
- Some schools do work at the school (painting, etc.)
- If we do it offsite, there are more restrictions (age of children, food service). United Way King County hasn’t posted their activities yet.
- Are there any suggestions that can accommodate a larger group?
- Grounds work has been successful in the past—could coordinate with garden team. Clean out leaves, cut back growth, pick up trash.
- Interior work: Cleaning or refurbishing railings or doorway by entrance, but this might have other building complications.
- Whitney: could we start a Google doc for people to submit ideas?
- Seema: yes!
- Other ideas: HIP, Mary’s Place, Food Life Line.
New Business
- Equity Committee Formation, Ann Sonnen
- Kim Rakow Bernier is forming a new committee around equity. Initially it will be focused on equity and shared belonging at Bryant. Looking for new members, and leadership. Whitney Griesbach
- Exec/ Committee Liaison Support, Brita Willis
- As vice president, Brita has been reaching out to committee chairs. She has been working on the help doc, succession plans, and providing other support.
- Additional
- Please sign up for staff dinners during conferences. Whitney sent out a sign-up genius (not everyone received it so she will resend).
- No update on crossing guard at 65th and 32nd.
- Adjourn 8:15