Writers’ Celebration 2023! Friday, June 16th

What is the Writers’ Celebration?   Every year at Bryant, the PTSA celebrates the accomplishments of all our student writers by hosting the Writers’ Celebration, a schoolwide event during which each student has the opportunity to share a piece of writing – a book, story, or poem they have authored — in small, multi-age groups. This is one of the few activities at Bryant that mixes all grade levels, and it is heartwarming to watch the older students help and encourage the younger ones. The students work long and hard on these projects and are very proud to share them with their peers.

Where do you come in? We will need volunteers to lead a group of six or seven enthusiastic students for 30 minutes. Each group will be facilitated by 1-2 volunteer leaders or a teacher. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, we won’t be able to accommodate any additional adult spectators.

How do you sign up?  

Step 1: To lead a group, you must complete all SPS volunteer requirements (which include a screening disclosure form, taking a short online course, reviewing online docs, and providing a copy of your photo ID).

New Volunteers:  Complete online Volunteer Application for Seattle Public Schools: New Volunteer in Seattle Public Schools

Returning Volunteers: Renew online Volunteer Application for Seattle Public Schools: Application Renewal Process for Returning Volunteers 

Step 2: Complete the Writers’ Celebration volunteer sign-up by Friday, June 9th

Questions? Please contact Volunteer Leads – Mo Bhak and Sarah Blake at volunteer@bryantschool.org

Writers’ Celebration BBQ — You’re Invited!

Join your student for lunch on Friday, June 7th. It’s a great opportunity to shake off authors’ jitters before settling down to the important work of sharing their writing. Grab a quick bite before you lead your writers’ circle or take your time and catch up with other parents and favorite teachers. Little siblings welcome! 

Lunch times will be:
Kindergarten 10:30-11:10
1st Grade 10:45-11:25
2nd Grade 11:00-11:40
3rd Grade 11:15-11:55
4th Grade  11:30-12:10
5th Grade 11:50-12:30

We’ll need help too! Please consider volunteering for short jobs ranging from right after drop-off to just after lunch.  Look for sign up forms in kid mail this week and return by Friday, May 24th

Questions? Please contact Angela Graham

Writers’ Celebration 2019! Friday, June 7th

What is the Writers’ Celebration?   Every year at Bryant the PTSA celebrates the accomplishments of all our student writers by hosting the Writers’ Celebration, a schoolwide event during which each student has the opportunity to share a piece of writing – a book, story or poem he or she has authored — in small, multi-age groups. This is one of the few activities at Bryant that mixes all grade levels, and it is heartwarming to watch the older students help and encourage the younger ones. The students work long and hard on these projects and are very proud to share them with their peers.

Where do you come in?  We will need volunteers to lead a group of six or seven enthusiastic students for 50 minutes.  Each group will be facilitated either by 1-2 volunteer leaders or by a teacher.  Please note that due to space constraints, we will be unable to accommodate any additional parent spectators.

How do you sign up?  

Step 1: In order to lead a group, you must complete all SPS volunteer requirements (which include a screening disclosure form, taking a short online course, reviewing online docs, and providing copy of photo ID). You can find the 2018-2019 Volunteer Requirements here. Please take a moment to complete all volunteer requirements. If you have already done so this year, you do not need to do it again.  

Step 2: Complete the Writers’ Celebration volunteer web form or complete and return the paper form that will come home with your child in mid May.

Questions? Please contact Volunteer Lead, Brent Aliverti