Welcome and Introductions, Kim Love & Whitney Griesbach
Approve June General Meeting Minutes
Minutes approved
Officer/Standing Committee Reports
Principal Charmaine Marshall & Asst. Principal Melissa Somoza
- Charmaine Marshall: PBIS Emotion Learning/Support
Vision and Mission:- 2nd year/social and emotional support intertwined with curriculum.
- Question to consider: How do we meet needs of student with anxiety/self-esteem, etc., regardless of socioeconomic status?
- Results of student and parent data survey from last year:
- 283 students 3-5th grade surveyed
- 56% overall on Healthy Community ratings (61% in Seattle overall)
- Very low scores on “students treat each other with respect”: 35%
- Parent Data: Welcoming community 81%, (a little above average)
- School has successfully overcome barriers between staff and families = 49%, also quite low
- School response to low stats:
- Counselor that is going to be doing lunch groups/go into classroom and meet with kids that have exhibited anxious behaviors
- Discovery that many/most students are high achieving which seems to correlate with high anxiety
- We have not purchased curriculum for kids that are higher levels: level 2 or 3, to meet needs and provide interventions for higher functioning kids, goal to look into purchasing this
- SEL is a major component of experience at Bryant, especially around anxiety
- Working to temper classroom to meet the needs of high-achieving/high anxiety in kids
- CCC designed to start out with early successes to establish baseline of success to increase learning.
- Working in partnerships to listen to each other: more student voice and less teacher voice
- Collaborative writing to establish early voice
- Increased circle time as a community as well
- Melissa Somoza: Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)
- 3 tiers of support to capture all kids and their intervention needs
- Tier ONE: School wide- systems to put into place
- Tier Two: Classroom environment and Small Group Strategies
- Tier 3: Targeted Individuals
- Supplement to RULER
- Starting to establish behavior expectations for playground/classroom/etc.
- Fusing and defining collective knowledge of teachers to create clear expectations without surprises for kids
- Three Phases:
- Phase 1: Whole school expectations and the belief that when kids misbehave it is an opportunity to support them and create change.
- Using RULER:
- Mood Meter and Road Map (how do I feel, what happened and how can I strategize for next time, who/what are my resources?)
- 3 tiers of support to capture all kids and their intervention needs
- Brita Willis & Lorraine Sawicki: Treasurer’s Report
- 4k will be given to a local school, leftover from school supplies
- 155k collected from last year’s annual campaign, bigger number than expected
- PTSA to cover 7k of 31k total cost of Island Wood
- Will track credit card fees through Giving Fuel platform
- Some parents have opted to cover credit card fees. Total fees charge this year = 1100
- New section at bottom of treasurer report: net activity for self-supporting programs and restricted funds/everything else the same.
- Possible talk of moving Annual Campaign funds to other schools. Only in discussion at this point, no consensus.
- Possibility of Survey Monkey to find out what could be done with excess funds raised in future Annual Campaigns, will readdress after this year’s Annual Campaign.
- Tammy Shorr & Janie Booth : Volunteer Coordinators Report
- Volunteer Support is quite robust this year
- Committee Leaders should have lists of volunteers coming your way
- Happy hours to continue!
- Media blackout until 10/26 for Annual Campaign
- Leeann Huntington, Sara Fenz and Allison Broadgate: Fundraising Chair Report
- Website is up, you can participate or donate now. Frist communication Tuesday until 10/26. Participation rates can be checked daily.
- Door prizes at Movie Night for those who have already participated in the Annual Campaign
- Movie night 10/19, fundraising for Islandwood
- Kim Love Bryant Leadership Team
- De-emphasize Halloween Celebration to support cultures that do not celebrate.
- More in Bryant Weekly.
- Jean Charette,Yvonne Roberts & Diane Frye: Legislative Chairs
- Two Levies coming up and SPS needs to have these passed – critical for the budgets.
- Will provide community outreach to raise awareness about these levies.
- Vote is in February of 2019
Special Committee Reports
New Business
- Approve Standing Rules Bylaws, Kim Love
- Kim read changes to standing rules
- Motion to approve changes to standing rules, motion approved
- Approve General Budget 2017-2018
- Changes to budget read by Brita
- Motion to approve budget/motion approved
- Committed to SEL curriculum which is important to LASER community