Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Bryant Library
Attendees: Leeann Huntington, Julie Ohrazda, Lauren Abraham, Jennifer Mahlum, Rachel Schaw, Kim Love, Kim Larsen, Joan Crooks, Amy Shanafelt, Carleen Confer, Julie Pearson, Patricia Parker, Sam Fogg, Mary-Britt Love, Tiffany Morgan, Whitney Griesbach, Angela Kirk, Shiri Ourian, Andrea Cooney, Rachel Gleeson, Michelle Ireton, Natalya Yudkovsky
Approved January Board Minutes
Treasurer’s report
- Not much have changed since last month
- We do collect boxtops, $$ allotted for that will go in to the emergency preparedness fund. Used to buy some security blinds for the class room.
- Looking for members to be part of the budgeting committee
- Will need a co-treasurer for the 2017-2018. Great for those people to also be involved in the budgeting committee
Legislative update and reports
- Natalia gave an report out of her trip to WSPTSA Focus day. For more information on priorities see website.
- ParamountDuty.org is an organization started by NE Seattle Parents who are committed to going to Olympia on a regular basis to raise awareness and drive support for fully funding education.
- Leann Huntington will reach out to Eastside King County PTSA Districts to see how we can partner together to get support from their representatives to fully fund education.
- Walk-in on Thursday 2/18 @ 8:45. See Bryant PTSA Go Red for Edfor more information.
Seattle Public Schools Bell times task force
- Doing an survey of Pre and Post School activities to understand what programs are impacted
- Task force will do 2 surveys in early March
- Understand needs for afterschool care for our families
- Explore what vendors can do in terms of extended class times
New Business
- Board voted to approve $419.87 to purchase checks & deposited (Lauren)
- Update from Bryant Blast committee. Need an outdoor event activities coordinator. Blast will be May 14th, 2016 (Julie)
- Preview March’s General Meeting
Meeting adjourned 8:35