Bryant PTSA Board Meeting
May 8th 2018 7pm
Welcome and Introductions Kim Love and Julie Orhazda
Approve April Meeting Minutes
Officer/Standing Committee Report
- Treasurer’s Report (Brita Willis and Nelly Goodnoe)
- Brita reviewed April and Early May highlights (see attached paperwork)
- Spent time putting together budget for next year.
- Faculty and staff went to CPR training funded by PTSA
- 4 out of 6 grade levels are planning to use Community Building Grant (4th and 5th grade have not yet submitted plans)
- Likely coming in under budget for the year
- Legislative Chairs Report (Shelley Prosisi & Jean Charette)
- Two Levees due to expire- we cannot function without these levees.
- Operations Levy
- Building Excellence Capitol Levy
- Please please vote on these essential levees
- Mayor is introducing her own levy which may complicate things
- Postcard campaigns coming
- State Level: survey being sent out in Bryant Weekly next week about what is important to parents for k12 education
- Voter registration for HS seniors
- Changing credit requirements potentially from 19-20 to 24 for HS graduation
- Gun Safety inquiry: impetus for this tied into voter registration efforts to make changes on state level
- National PTA and Seattle Council PTA passed resolutions around reducing gun violence. Anticipation that more resolution will be proposed in the fall and the PTSA will have a voice in these matters
- Two Levees due to expire- we cannot function without these levees.
- Volunteer Coordinators Report (Tammy Shorr)
Volunteer Awards coming out soon- please send along names and why they are deserving of volunteer awards. We have set awards but can also be creative and can create new awards. Request will go out in Bryant Weekly. - Bryant Leadership Team (Kim Love)
- Finalized Continuous School Improvement Plan in last BLT meeting
- Take a look at last CSIP (Google Bryant CSIP)
- This year’s, coming out in spring will work to include ALL Bryant families
- Next area of focus is orientation to the entire school community/families
- CSIP that is being created now is a revision of the one that is currently accessible. Current one to be submitted by June 15th 2018.
- Teachers currently have CSIP and are giving edits/suggestions
- Principal’s report (Dan Sanger)
- How does the transition work to a new principal?
- Dan Sanger really wants Ms. Marshall to meet many students/teachers/PTSA
- He will spend a lot of time with her to create as smooth a transition as possible
- Ms. Marshall will be attending New Family Night
- She will be getting extra support from the district as well, and Dan will connect her with the right people moving forward
- How does the transition work to a new principal?
- Nominating Committee (Tammy Shorr, Ann Sonnen, Yvonne Roberts, Brita Willis, Nelly Goodnoe)
The nominating committee places nominations for the following:- Co-presidents: Kim Love and Whitney Griesbach
- Vice President: Ann Sonnen
- Co-secretaries: Clare Kealy and Jen McCormick
- Co-treasurers: Brita Willis and Lorraine Sawicki
- Co-fundraising chairs: Leann Huntington, Sara Fenzi, Mary Britt-Love
- Co-volunteer coordinators: Janie Booth and Tammy Shorr
- Co-Membership Chairs: Kelli Hessler and Brenda Mullins
- Co-legislative chairs: Jean Charette, Yvonne Roberts, and Diana Fryc
- Members at Large: Nelly Goodnoe and Sam Fogg
- Teacher Representative: Anne Aliverti and Jessica James
- 2018-2019 Budget Committee (Brita Willis and Nelly Goodnoe)
Budget presented to board for vote tonight: Vote taken and approved by board.- Raise 237k, expenses 243k, will have to pull 6k from reserve
- Current reserves = $82,500
- Question raised about cut in art budget- there will be a full-time (1.0 FTE) Art Specialist/plenty of supplies still in place from District shipment last year
- General membership to vote on it next meeting –General Membership meeting in June
- Special Orders
None - New Business
- Garden Committee request for shed (Sam Fogg)
Presentation: Gardening at Bryant provides 2 focuses:- Going into classrooms and getting kids out in the garden- this is our messy science laboratory
- Maintain landscape at Bryant. SPS mows lawn and does heavy pruning, every other gardening thing is done by parent volunteers
- Professional Landscapers hired in early 2000s and this was a 400k project that MUST be maintained or we will lose it
- What is the future of our garden?
- The garden is struggling. We need more volunteers and also we keep our stuff behind the dumpster, not secured. It has therefore been stolen twice this year…everything is gone. The hands-on garden has been trashed and vandalized many times. We do not see the point of purchasing new tools if we have no secure place to put them.
- District has told us we can no longer keep tools where they are currently stored due to potential harm to heating/cooling system.
- A locking shed would work to mitigate all of the above problems.
- Proposed ask: up to 2500k. This does not include current garden budget.
- Working to find vendors for shed purchase and placement. Shed would be stored near hands-on garden.
- Vision is to have a white board and a teaching area out of the shed.
- Question about graffiti: research says the closer the shed is to the school building, the less likely that graffiti would occur.
- Community Ask is not possible because of the specific requirements of sheds for Landmark Buildings imposed by the District.
- Hoping to file insurance claim to replace tools that were stolen. SPD report is next task at hand.
- Playground remodel is a separate project.
- Hope to have a bigger conversation at the beginning of the next school year to talk about the involvement of the school and student body in the maintenance of the garden.
- Vote on action item: 2500k for new shed.
- Security of shed can be considered later.
- Motion made to approve up to 2500k to be used for a garden shed.
- Motion approved.
- Garden Committee request for shed (Sam Fogg)