Notice of Meeting
Bryant Calendar & Bryant Weekly
Jason Smith, Tiffany Morgan, Kathy Kereluck, Michelle Ireton, Andrea Schnee, Smriti Shelty, Anna Marburg, Daniel Griesbach, Jenn Duhamel, Sara Fenzl, Julianna Batho, Janna Rolland, Cherise Randell, Mark Batho, Leanne Huntington, Julie Ohrazda, Lauren Abraham, Jennifer Mahlum, Rachel Schaw, Kim Love, Kim Larsen, Janie Booth, Joan Crooks, Amy Shanafelt Carleen Confer, Amy Alphin, Dan Sanger, Julie Pearson
Welcome and Introduction (Leeann Huntington):
PTSA Board and parents, teachers, staff in the room introduced themselves.
Approve May Board Meeting Minutes (Rachel Schaw):
Minutes from the May 12th meeting APPROVED.
Officer/Standing Committee Reports
- Treasurer’s Report (Lauren Abraham, Jennifer Mahlum): Reviewed the 2014 – 2015 Treasurer report
- Legislative Report (Joan Crooks):
- Joan shared a recap of the 2015 legislative session.
- Forum with Seattle PTSA & women voters for candidates for School Board. More information is in the Bryant Weekly (Sign-up here).
- In February there a vote to renew to levies to cover cover operational and capital costs.
New Business
- Conflict of Interest Statement (Rachel Schaw): PTSA Board members have received and signed the conflict of interest statements.
- Compliance Documents (Rachel Schaw): Compliance docs are in progress. Need some technical information about how we collect money for the annual campaign. Lauren is following up.
- Review additions to the standing rules (Lauren Abrahms): Mostly the same as last year. Updates include specifics who/when the Financial review happens and how state compliance is reported. Will be reviewed in the October meeting.
- Proposal to increase funding for Reading A-Z/Raz Kids (Julie Pearson): Majority voted to fund Reading A-Z and Raz Kids for the next year.
Meeting adjourned: 7:35