The PTSA has fielded many questions about the PTSA/staff proposal for continuing the Intervention and Extension program this year. If you have any others, please email the Executive Committee.
Q: How much money does the PTSA have in “unallocated” funds and how much will remain after the PTSA allocates funds towards the IE program?
A: The PTSA currently has $16,000 in unallocated funds available. That balance will be taken down to $0. The PTSA Board would need to vote on whether to designate those funds to the IE program.
Q: What has the unallocated funds been used for in the past and is it wise to have nothing available for the remaining school year?
A: Unallocated funds are what is available after the budget has been approved. In the past, the dollars have been used for library purchases, funding the replenishment of classroom emergency supplies, buying educational software for the students. Having no money in unallocated makes it difficult to address new requests that haven’t been budgeted for, making it necessary to tell committees they may have to wait until the next school for funds.
Q: What amount is coming from building reserves?
A: $10,000
Q: How much is coming from the so called “out of pocket” contributions?
A: Staff have pledged $14,500 for the 2015/16 school year.
Q: What is the plan for raising the remaining $12,000?
A: The staff will appeal to the general membership to pledge dollars that will be allocated directly towards supporting Ms James and the Intervention and Extension program. If the initial pledge dollars come in short then the staff will host additional fundraisers throughout the year which might include Parent’s Night Out childcare or a Teacher Experience auction.
Q: Given that a bulk of the funding plan is based on one-time or unidentified sources, what is the plan to sustain the program beyond the 2015-2016 school year?
A: Funding for the 2016/17 school year is still to be determined. Possible sources of funding could come from the district if enrollment exceeds 600 students and Bryant is granted the full time teacher that was just pulled. Other possible sources could include funds raised during the annual campaign that starts October 12 but would require PTSA budget approval or a separate fundraising event all together where funds would be held in reserve in the event the district didn’t provide the additional full time teacher.
Q: How exactly does $80,000 save the Intervention and Extension program?
A: The $80,000 is the cost for a full time teacher. The $80,000 would be used to pay Ms. James’ salary and benefits for the 2015/16 school year. By keeping her in the second grade classroom, Mr Matthias would be able to continue to lead the new intervention and Extension program.
Q: Where are all the funds are coming from that will be used to fund the Intervention and Extension program?
- $16,000 PTSA Unallocated funds
- $10,000 Bryant building reserves
- $29,000 Budget reallocation from teacher support
- $14,500 staff pledges
- $10,500 – $12,000 from fundraising efforts throughout the year.
$80,000 – $81,500 total funding