Please join Bryant staff, students and families for a “Walk In” on Thursday, February 18, beginning at 8:45 in front of Bryant.
Funding for education is an issue across the nation. On February 17 and 18, educators, parents, students, and supporters will “walk in” at over 20 major cities across the U.S., including Chicago and LA. Parents, educators, and students gather in front of the school before school starts and “walk in” together.
We will have breakfast treats, including coffee and hot cocoa. Adults are encouraged to sign three giant postcards, one for each legislator for Bryant’s district. These will be delivered to Olympia lawmakers by volunteers from around the school district. Sign up Genius will follow to provide refreshments.
The school day will start on time. Come join us and wear red to show your support for adequate school funding.
For more information, please contact Michelle Ireton.