Legislative Updates

Take Action! Three important K-12 funding bills are being heard in the Ways and Means committee this week: Senate Bills 51875192, and 5263. Please take a minute to go to the links below and sign- in PRO on each of these bills by February 11 at 3pm. 


  • Reminder: Levy votes must be in by February 11, 2025. We strongly encourage the Bryant community to educate themselves about these levies and vote! While the EP&O levy has not raised much controversy, we know that there are a lot of differing opinions on the BEX VI levy, including concern that it includes $150M to build a new school in NE Seattle. This op-ed and this op-ed demonstrate some of the wide-ranging perspectives on this levy. You can also go here to read SPS’s response to some FAQs and see the Bryant-specific workplans under the BEX VI levy. There is a lot of information out there so do the research and vote!

Lastly, the Washington PTA Focus on Advocacy Week will be from Feb 10-14 and the Advocacy Day in Olympia will be on February 17th.  Go here for more information and to get involved!

Bryant After School Enrichment Program Winter Registration

Registration for Fall After School Enrichment classes will open on Sunday December 15th at noon. Class descriptions can be viewed at our web site www.seattlease.org.

Registration and payments are taken online through the site.

Registration will close December 29th.

Fall classes start January 6th.

Contact the ASE Coordinator clive@seattlease.org for further information.

A How to Blast 2023 Guide

Admission is Free!

Click to Enlarge

Pre-Sale for tickets is going on now through May 3rd.  Pick up pre-orders after school on Thursday and Friday before the Blast.  Or pick up the day of the Blast at the East Gate will call.

Raffle Basket Tickets will be available for purchase in the cafeteria on May 6th.  


Outside:  gaga ball, glitter tattoos, face painting, and MORE!

Entertainment: DJ Chris, The Not-It’s!, Alpha Martial Arts Demo, Roosevelt Cheerleaders, Eckstein Jazz Band

Inside: Carnival Games, Cake Raffle, Raffle baskets, and MORE!


We Blast regardless of the weather.  Dress for the rain, sun, heat, and cold!

Questions?  Please email blast@bryantschool.org

Bryant Blast Online Auction – Thank you!

The auction ended late Monday night and we raised over $23,000! We surpassed our goal and could not have made it without the support of the Bryant community.

Now what? All winning bidders will receive an email with the total amount of their winning bids. Payment drop off and item pick up will be available on Saturday, May 21st from 8-10:30am and on Sunday, May 22nd from 2pm-4pm. We will be in the small parking lot next to the Bryant Elementary Playground.

Thank you again for the supporting our Bryant students. If you have any questions please email us.

Thank you from the Bryant Blast Auction Committee.

Gold, Silver, Blast!

Save the Date! Inspired by the Summer Olympics, this year’s Blast theme will honor athleticism and our very active students.

The Bryant Blast will be held on Saturday, May 14th from 12 pm – 4 pm. Plan for pony rides, fun games and activities, sno-cones, tasty food and much, much more!

Wanna help plan the Blast? We still have the following lead position available!
Outdoor Activities Lead — Plan and organize outdoor activities, entertainment, ponies, and more. Past Blast leaders will be available to lend extensive guidance!