Hello Bryant Community,
It was wonderful to briefly share some of our exciting plans for the Intervention and Extension Team with you at Curriculum Night! Because families are so inundated with information about the start of the new year, I thought it might be beneficial to summarize some of what the Intervention and Extension Team goals are this year.
The primary goal of the team is to work closely with the Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at Bryant to identify and offer targeted and personalized support to students who are either approaching standard or are performing above standard. We look forward to collaborating with our talented teachers to design interventions that support students who need review of concepts, re-teaching, and additional assistance, as well as creating extensions and enrichment experiences to support students who may already be performing above grade level benchmarks.
This work directly connects to our three building goals this year:
- One year’s growth for every child in math
- Challenging and engaging our Advanced Learners in math
- Deepening our understanding of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
We are excited to partner with both teachers and you, the parents, to ensure your child’s individual needs are addressed. The groupings of students who will receive the support of the Intervention and Extension Team are fluid and may change from unit to unit. As a parent, you will receive periodic updates from your child’s teacher if he/she has specific concerns. If our team feels there is a significant issue that needs to be addressed, we will contact you directly. We hope to serve every student at some point in the year utilizing this new model. The benefit is that everyone will receive opportunities for both advanced learning extensions and intervention support.
Thanks in advance for your support. We look forward to a great year at Bryant!
Brian Matthias