Bryant Multicultural Night

Please join us for Bryant Multicultural Night – Thursday Dec 12 from 6 – 7:30pm!

We’ll enjoy an evening of multicultural performances and a potluck hosted by the Bryant School and Bryant PTSA. Performances begin at 6pm in the Bryant Cafeteria. Potluck to follow. 

Let us know if your student would like to perform at  

Families are encouraged to bring food to share for the potluck. 

Seeking volunteers to help set up from 5:30-6:00 and clean up from 7:30 to 8:15pm. Signupgenius form will be shared soon. Email if interested in volunteering day of.

It’s not too late, Bryant artists! Deadline extended for the National PTA Reflections arts program and contest to November 13!

Bryant students, there’s still time to show off your creativity! Enter your masterpiece in the National PTA Reflections art program and contest. All entrants are invited to celebrate together at Bryant’s annual Reflections Showcase event in December and select students will be recognized at the city, and possibly state or even national levels of Reflections competition.

How it works: Create and submit original works of art in the categories of Visual Arts, Literature (fiction and poetry as well as essays), Photography, Film Production, Music Composition, and Dance Choreography. This year’s theme is “Accepting Imperfection.” Entries must include an Artist Statement explaining how the artwork connects to the theme. 

Deadline for entries is now November 13, 2024.

Student Entry Form is below. Contact with questions.


More details and the rules for each category are included below (be sure to read!):

*The Accessible Arts Division is for students with disabilities who receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 to have the opportunity and accommodations they may need in order to participate fully in the program.


Contact Vanya at with questions or for more information on Reflections.

Resources: How to Get Involved

We know many of you are very interested in working to ensure Bryant and all schools around our state continue to exist and have the resources needed to ensure our children receive excellent public-school education. To that end, the Bryant PTSA will be providing updates and information on ways to engage in the SPS well-resourced school plans, levies, and state efforts to increase K-12 education funding. We hope you find this information helpful!


Recent information:

School closures: On October 24th, Superintendent Jones announced that his preliminary recommendation to the SPS board will be to consolidate the below schools:

  • Northwest Region: Closing – North Beach Elementary Consolidating with Viewlands Elementary at Viewlands
  • Northeast Region: Closing – Sacajawea Elementary Consolidating with John Rogers Elementary at John Rogers
  • Central Region: Closing – Stevens Elementary Consolidating with Montlake Elementary at Montlake
  • Southwest Region: Closing – Sanislo Elementary Consolidating with Highland Park Elementary at Highland Park

A district-wide information session will take place on Thursday, Nov. 14, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. For more information on the Superintendent’s proposal please go here.

How you can help:

We know that many SPS parents, including those at Bryant, continue to fight school closures. Please find below a few resources that may help you engage in these efforts:

  • E-mailing elected representatives is always a good idea. Continue sending messages to Superintendent Jones, and the SPS board.
  • Use Let’s Talk.
  • If you want to attend rallies in opposition to school closures, and sign on to petitions/letters, etc., one resource is All Together for Seattle Schools, a parent advocacy group. If you are interested in receiving their newsletters, or are looking for communication materials, you can find a link to their website here.
    • If you oppose the Northeast school closure, one upcoming rally is on October 30, 2024 from 7:30-8:00am at Sacajawea Elementary.


Seattle Public Schools relies on voter-approved levies to fill the gap between what it receives from state and federal sources and what is needed to fully support students, staff, and schools.

There are currently recommendations for the renewal of the Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy and Building Excellence (BEX VI) Capital Levy, which are expected to go before voters on Feb. 11, 2025.

On November 19, 2024 the Board will be voting on resolutions to place levies on the February 2025 ballot. During the next few months SPS will be holding information sessions on the levies, the first one will take place online on November 7, from 6:30-7:30pm. Go here for more information about the levies and upcoming information sessions.


Recent information:

Closing five or even twenty-one schools does not adequately address SPS’ almost $100M shortfall. According to the WA. Superintendent of Public Instruction:

  • Washington currently underfunds K-12 education by around $4 billion per year.
  • The share of the budget dedicated to K-12 education in WA. has shrunk from 50% in 2019, to only 43% today.
  • While the national average for education investment is 3.6% of the GDP, WA only invests 3.1% of the GDP.
  • WA. is behind high performing states in per-pupil spending. For example, WA. spends $17,000, while Mass. Spends $21,000. 

    SPS, PTSAs and parent advocacy groups are all advocating for increased state funding for K-12 education.

How you can help:

  • E-mail Governor Inslee’s office to ask him to increase K-12 education funding in the governor’s proposed 2025-2027 biennium operating budget by including Superintendent Reykdal’s budget requests. One way to do that is through the fundsps link here.
    • There is a limited window to do this as the Governor’s proposed budget comes out before legislative session.
  • Reach out to your lawmakers and ask them to invest in our children’s education. One way to do that is through links – found here.
    • Remember: Sending a template is great, but adding in personal information is even better.
    • Remember: Try to stay focused on one issue – increased funding, do not address multiple issues in one e-mail.
  • Ask a lawmaker for a meeting or organize a lawmaker meeting with a group of Bryant parents.
  • Inform people about the impact of I-2109 and I-2117 on education. The WA. State PTA Board of Directors voted at its June meeting to oppose these initiatives. For more information go here.
  • Sign up for Washington PTA’s action alerts here to stay appraised of what is happening during session.
  • Subscribe to the Seattle Council PTSA newsletter here for advocacy updates.
  • Join the Bryant advocacy group by e-mailing:

The 2024-2025 Annual Campaign Has Begun!

Click here to participate in the Annual Campaign!

Goal: 100% Participation!*

Last year, Bryant achieved 97% participation! 

Bryant classes that reach 100% participation win a free recess!

All Bryant students deserve the best possible education and the brightest future. 

Your gift provides: 

  • Reading & math specialists + tutors for students needing early and continued support
  • Enrichment opportunities in arts, music, technology & library which expand education beyond math, reading and science
  • Classroom assistance, supplies, & field-trip support for teachers that request it
  • Community-building & academic events that connect Bryant families to each other
  • Support for our Bryant community & beyond including families and schools in need

*No donation required to participate. Select the option at the link above.

Please join us in supporting our students!

Bryant PTSA

Call for Entries: National PTA Reflections arts program and contest

Bryant students, it’s time to show off your creativity! Enter your masterpiece in the National PTA Reflections art program and contest. All entrants are invited to celebrate together at Bryant’s annual Reflections Showcase event in December and select students will be recognized at the city, and possibly state or even national levels of Reflections competition.


How it works: Create and submit original works of art in the categories of Visual Arts, Literature (fiction and poetry as well as essays), Photography, Film Production, Music Composition, and Dance Choreography. This year’s theme is “Accepting Imperfection.” Entries must include an Artist Statement explaining how the artwork connects to the theme. 

Deadline for entries is November 6, 2024.


Student Entry Form is below. Contact with questions.


More details and the rules for each category are included below (be sure to read!):

*The Accessible Arts Division is for students with disabilities who receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 to have the opportunity and accommodations they may need in order to participate fully in the program.


Contact Vanya at with questions or for more information on Reflections.

The Annual Campaign is Coming Soon!

SAVE THE DATE, the Bryant PTSA Annual Campaign is
coming October 14th – 27th!

The Annual Campaign is the only direct appeal for funds each year, funding over 75% of all Bryant PTSA expenses. Your tax-deductible donation helps the PTSA provide academic support and enrichment for all Bryant students, including:

• Reading Specialists + Tutors
• Librarian Teacher and Tech Lab Assistants
• Artist-in-Residence
• Recess Supervision

Please keep your eye out for a letter coming home with your child on Thursday October 10th requesting your participation in the Bryant Annual Campaign.  

Our goal is 100% participation!* Last year we reached 97% participation!  Each class that reaches 100% participation earns a FREE RECESS!

 *Gifts of any amount are valued. No donation required to participate.    

Recess Monitor – paid position

This is an hourly position that is perfect for someone with a flexible schedule. The hours are 10:15-1:15 Monday-Friday, providing adult supervision for students at Bryant Elementary School during their recess. 
  • compensation: $17.67 per hour; $19.64 with payroll taxes
  • employment type: part-time
  • job title: Hourly playground supervisor

Please contact Assistant Principal, Veronica Iocoo, if you are interested in learning more. 


Walktober Wednesdays
October is Walk and Bike to School Month! Celebrate Walk to School Month on Wednesday, October 9th and throughout the month of October 16th, 23rd and 30th! Visit a morning pop-up station on your walk/bike to Bryant. 
North @65th & 32nd (near Bryant Corner Cafe)
South @55th & 34th (near Wunderkind)
East @60th & 36th 
West @60th & 30th

Volunteer Opportunities at Bryant: We Need You!

A key part of what makes Bryant such an amazing school is the strong tradition of parent and community support. Throughout the year, there will be a variety of volunteer opportunities for those looking to get involved with the school – with opportunities available across a wide range of interests and time commitments. If you are interested in being on the email list for upcoming volunteer needs, please fill out our volunteer interest form. Contact if you have questions or new ideas for this year!